Mead Primary School is one of the schools within the London Borough of Havering that has an Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) for children with autism and complex learning needs.
How is Mead ARP different from a mainstream school setting?
- Mead ARP is a new, purpose-built space with rooms for whole class (12 children), small group or individual teaching. There is also a calm, safe space for children to access. It has its own playground, lunch room (if required) and toilet facilities.
- Teaching is provided by a team of specialist staff.
- All children have a personalised learning programme.
- The teaching materials are adapted to meet the individual needs of children with ASD.
- There are a wide range of activities used to develop speech and language, social communication and attention and listening skills.
- There are regular visits and advice from outside agencies including Speech and Language therapists and Educational Psychologists.
- Where appropriate, there is supported access to the mainstream classes.
- There are opportunities to work alongside children from the school community in groups within the ARP.
How does my child get a place at the Mead ARP?
- Your child must have a diagnosis of ASD and an EHCP, or be in the process of obtaining one.
- You may request a place within the ARP through the Havering Assessment and Placement team or the CAD 0-5 or 5-19 teams
- Your child will be discussed at the next ARP intake meeting
- If you child meets the criteria for consideration, then the consultation process can start
- Your child will receive a visit at school (or home, if not attending an educational setting) by staff from the ARP.
- You will also be invited to visit the ARP.
- At the end of the consultation period a decision will be made.
- If a place is offered then a PCR (Person Centred Review) meeting will be arranged and you, your child (if appropriate), representatives from Mead ARP, your child’s current school, representatives from the CAD team and any professionals who currently work with your child will be invited.
- If a placement is not supported, then a letter explaining why will be sent to you and the school/nursery.
Please note: Children are not put on a waiting list or given places on a first come first served basis.